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The Wrist Shot Review – Adventure Photography Gear

You may have noticed I tend to have a lot of pictures from my trips and climbs, perhaps you may have even wondered, how did she have time to get a shot like this while climbing?

“Very carefully!” Is my usual answer, however I now have a new one, “I used The Wrist Shot!”

The Wrist Shot

Golden Hour, a rather intrepid company based in San Francisco, California, sent me a Wrist Shot for review and I took it on my Tuolumne / Yosemite Trip. What is the Wrist Shot? It’s an interesting neoprene wrist bracelet of sorts that holds and protects your camera at the ready on your wrist.

I wore mine on the approach hike to Hobbit Book in Tuolumne and in fact even wore it while climbing some of the pitches. While it was nice to have during the approach, I found it most handy while at belay stations. Since I was climbing with a team of three I sometimes had downtime at a hanging belay and was glad I didn’t have to dig in my pack to pull out my camera. Instead I simply unwrapped and flipped it up for some shots.

Handy little contraption!


Price: $30.00

Material: Neoprene

Weight: (As measured by my postage scale) 2.3 Ounces

Availability: Purchase direct from Golden Hour’s website.




I think this little and reasonably priced device is a speed improvement over securing your camera with slings to yourself before taking a shot. Also, since the camera’s on your wrist you don’t have to go digging for it while hiking. I think the wrist advantage is even greater for situations where you may not even want to carry a pack, say trail running perhaps.  The original purpose of the Wrist Shot was for surfers to use with waterproof cameras, definitely a situation where you don’t have spare pockets.

And now for your enjoyment, a little video shot at the top of Hobbit Book in Tuoluomne, Yosemite National Park. Filmed and Directed by Jeremy Shapiro. I’m afraid it’s a little hard to hear what I’m saying in the beginning due to wind noise. Also, note that I did not put the camera in the correct position (see my comment above about that) so it sticks out a bit more from under the wrap than it should.

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